Monday, July 9, 2012



"Gypsy Moon"



A storm was brewing. The winds
of change were struggling to free
themselves once again. She knew
she had
been too long in one place. The roots
of that place were starting to wrap
themselves around her being, pulling
and tugging at her once more.
She knew it was time.
Moving on meant transformation. It meant
leaving possessions, friends and
sometimes family. She was no stranger
to farewells. And, with each move,she
knew she was leaving a part of
herself behind.
Even though painful, she knew that once
again she must pull back her shoulders,
as if she were an obedient soldier.
She then must wrap the blanket of
memories around her and begin her journey
as she had done so many times before.
She knew she was Gypsy Moon, strong,
vibrant, resilient and constant.
She must begin...again.

~Cheryl Dolby ~

Once in awhile, I get in the mood to create something extremely textural. When I started Gypsy Moon, I wasn’t sure of the direction I wanted to go but knew I wanted the end effect to be mosaic in feel.

I created a paper batik and then cut it up into uneven pieces and glued each small piece together on my design. I glued tissue paper onto her head piece and glued it onto the design. Then, I painted the background with several shades of blues and browns and then crackled the whole thing.

Close-up of mosaic design

Close-up of crackled background

Side View

Although this is a small painting of only 8x10”x1/2” deep, it was very time consuming. She is for sale for $125. You can e-mail me if you are interested in purchasing her. We can use Paypal. Even though I usually don’t use blues in my work, I love the way Gypsy Moon turned out. Hope you like her story as well. I think there is a bit of gypsy in all of us.

The Colors In This Photo are Truer to My Original Painting


  1. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and I love the blue background, it lends a more ethereal quality. I also love her story and I do think there may be a little gypsy in all of us.

  2. Loving your gorgeous Gypsy Moon with all its wonderful texture. Annette x

  3. Oh wow, This is a painting to be so proud of, its gorgeous! :D

  4. Hi!! Deeply soulful..beautiful ,stirring and poetic..your words touched my soul..understanding each of them as my own inner-story. She is magnificent and carries a mesmerizing spirit! Blessings..this is powerful and amazing..and this touched my heart with healing.

  5. Your poem tells the story of my life.

  6. Oh she is incredible- I LOVE all the steps you used to get to this effect,gorgeous! Also, her story is wonderful too...I love everything about her!

  7. Another master piece! I love it Cheryl.
    Love the story behind it too.

  8. A truly fabulous work of art Cheryl, I love all the texture and the colours.

    Love your art doll in the previous post too x

  9. This painting is so wonderfull. I am painting a moon picture right now,but yours is so pretty and don´t know how to go on with mine ;0)
    have a great week

  10. Hello my friend, I have linked your blog to my boards at Pinterest, please come to visit. Your work only gets better.

  11. Your Gypsy Moon lady is just delicious. You have such a lovely style.

  12. She is so beautiful. I love the story that she has as well. In fact your story has inspired a painting in my head, thank you!


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