Monday, June 25, 2012



Tiered Sprouting Container

Several years ago, my daughter, Kirsten, who was a vegetarian at the time, ordered a salad with sprouts at a restaurant located at a beach resort. Little did she know that this particular batch of sprouts were grown in a pasture right next to where cows grazed and were contaminated. She came down with e-coli. She became very ill and fought for her life. The health division tracked down exactly where the sprouts came from so that others did not get sick. She finally, after an agonizing several weeks, became well, swearing off all sprouts forever. The entire family has been leary of eating sprouts ever since. Some family members like sprouts so much that they now boil them. Boiling probably destroys the nutrients. I love sprouts so I decided to grow my own. Growing your own sprouts does not eliminate all the dangers of contamination but cuts down on them tremendously.

Seafood Salad with Sprouts

I remembered using a 4-tier sprouting system years ago but had no idea where I got it or what became of it. I went online and found one very similar to the one I used. The sprouter had two reviews. One good and one very, very bad review. I gambled anyway and find that I absolutely love this sprouter. I’m not affiliated with them in any way but just want to pass on that I found mine at Williams-Sonoma.

These sprouts are fresh and I can control them, since I am the grower. Now as far as the seeds go? It is probably best to purchase organic grown seeds. There are many sites online that offer top grade sprouts.

Sprouts are chock full of nutrients, fiber content, essential fatty acids, AE and C complex, amino acitds, proteins and phytochemicals. Another bonus is that they are lowfat and taste delicious in salads and sandwiches.

"Plant Seeds of Kindness"


To accompany my sprouting post, I have created one of my philosophy art dolls with a sprout quote. "Plant Seeds of Kindness." Well, it’s not necessarily a sprout quote but as close as I could find.

I hand sculpted her face out of clay, used material for body. She is has fully moveable arms and legs. She is 4” wide (wider with arms outstretched) and 10 “ high and priced at $38. These little "Philosophy Art Dolls," are fun and whimsical and make great gifts to cheer up a friend in need. If you’d like to purchase her, just e-mail me and we can use Paypal. Also, if you’d like for me to create a custom one for you, just let me know the color scheme and your special quote.


  1. I still have a sprout grower, but mine is a brown glass jar with a screen in the lid. I got it years ago and grew sprouts for about a year until I ran out of seeds. At the time, there was no internet, at least not like there is today, so I had no way to replenish my sprouts when the seeds I'd been buying were no longer available at my local co-op. If I recall correctly, I had to fill the jar with seeds and water, then replace the water daily. It was a real pain, so I'm not sure why I did it for so long. Your system looks easier, I think.

  2. 'Plant Seeds of Kindness" hmmmmm!! Is she still for sale? I think I might just have to have her! signed: Trish

  3. Love the idea of growing my own sprouts. Thanks for that. Your salad looks divine. Great doll to go with the sprouting idea as well. I'm on my way to Williams/Sonoma to check on that. I'm very tempted to try and grow my own sprouts. Thanks again.

  4. My husband started growing our sprouts this past winter. We have a couple of different kinds of sprouters and all work very well...he likes to grow a variety of sprouts. Much cheaper than buying in the store too.

  5. Your sproutsalad looks delicious.

  6. Oh my goshCheryl, What a terrible thing to happen to your daughter, glad she pulled through.
    I think its amazing where inspiration for art comes from. Who would have thought sprouts would "sprout" your creative doll.
    hugs Lynn

  7. The news about your daughter totally shocked me, am so glad she is on the mend now.
    I grow sprouts of all different kinds in large jam jars and have not yet suffered in any way...touch wood..
    Loving your art girl with her black and white limbs. Take care of yourself, Annette xx

  8. What a horrible and scary thing for your daughter to go through. We just never know when foods are safe. I love broccoli sprouts, must grow some :)

  9. YUM, I love sprouts and that salad looks delicious! (I also love Shrimp and boiled eggs ;)) I'm glad to see you're making your philosophy dolls again- I Love them!

  10. Wow- that was close with your daughter (nature can be dangerous - along with mushroom hunting). I love your little doll- so full of life and whimsy. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and Holiday Cheryl!

  11. Oh wow! Picture perfect!!! I agree with what you did. With the advent of the different preservatives and all that, it's really better to grow your own food today. It's like going back to basics again. We don't have ample space at home but my Father has been planting some vegetables in the idle land owned by my Auntie. And you know what, I realized that home grown crops are safer and tastier than the ones we usually avail in the market.

    Hope I could see your garden of sprouts Cheryl. Please blog about it :)

  12. I've been growing sprouts since my hippie days in San Francisco, and am always trying to sprout new things. Most experiments have worked... only a couple bombed! I have a multi tier sprouter similar to yours, and grow several varieties at a time. I prepare lots of sandwiches for our lunches, and sprouts make them so much more interesting! I do avoid eating sprouts in restaurants though, just to be safe. I'm so sorry your daughter had that terrible experience, and am glad she came through it okay.

  13. Hi Cheryl,
    What a fantastic idea about growing your own sprouts, your beautiful salad looks delicious and super healthy!

    As nearly only you know :)I'm trying to ease into blogging again and I really wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you always checking in with me there. I've figured out how to do small posts using my phone which is easier and more fun in a way, so we'll see how that works. Anyhow, thank you for all you share, your beautiful art, your recipes your soulful words and endless inspiration. Much love, Bridgette


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