Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Freida Storage Vessel


Freida Storage/Art Vessel

For those of you who are new to my blog, Healing Woman, welcome! Also, a grand hello to those of you who are loyal followers. The summer had me involved in various garden projects and now I am finally back, with a brand new banner to boot.

I have been prolonging summer these early fall days. I just hate to see it go. Here are a few pictures of how my garden grew and the fabulous sunflower farm I visited.

Overlooking pool

Goddess Planter


Sunflower Farm I visited-Beaver Dam Farm-100 Year Old Farm Here In Virginia. There Were 30 Acres and 600 Thousand Sunflowers Planted!

I've Never Seen This Many Sunflowers In One Place and I Have Viewed Them All Over Europe!

Now more about my Freida vessel. I came upon a stash of cigar boxes years ago. It's just one of many unusual things that happens to me, and always confirms my clairvoyance. Here is the link in case any of you missed it. It's quite a story. A beautiful shaped box with picture of Mexico inside called to me and I added my Freida waxed image to the top. The image comes from a 6’ fall painting I created of her.

Freida Painting with Freida Sculpture on Left Hand Side

I had some antique needle point (No, I did not sew the needlepoint) with beautiful flowers, and since I know Freida loved flowers, I added it to inside. I left picture of Mexico as is since it goes so well.

Inside Of Vessel

Antique Rose Latch

Hope you like her. She is 8"x 10" x 2" and is priced at $65. I can ship immediately. Just contact me here and we can go from there. I take Paypal, or personal checks.

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