Wednesday, May 25, 2016



Kebechet-Goddess of Purification

Sold. Thank you Shirley!

I've never learned the trick to taking a good picture of a mirror. Either I am shown in the picture or whatever is reflected in the mirror appears big and bold. As I was taking the picture of my Egyptian Goddess Kebechet, I thought of how this applies to life in general. I wrote a story years ago called “Mistflower” “She walked to the edge of the water and saw her reflection. Her people had taught her that we are all the great mirror-simply the reflection of one another.” It still seems true to me today. To look at another is really to view oneself. We don't always like what we see but we are hesitant to do anything to change what it is we don't like. We may not like the world in which we live, with all of the many flaws, but what are we doing to make a change? I guess I'm posting about this today because I just finished reading Barbara Kingsolvers book “ Flight Behavior.” The book addresses global warming and in particular the Monarch butterfly. Not only did I learn a lot about this wondrous winged beauty but I got a lesson in environmental crisis. Of course the book is much more. The wit and humor that Kingsolver uses in her writing makes the story come to life in a way no other author I know of accomplishes.

Goddess Kebechet, the Goddess of purification, is approx 7" wide by 13" high. I sculpted her with stoneware clay, which is kiln fired. The embellishments reflect the golds and blacks that were used on Egyptian sculpture. I have priced her at $78. If you are interested in having her reflect your surroundings, please let me know. You can e-mail me. I take checks or Paypal. Thank you!


  1. This is a stunning piece of art. I love seeing your reflection. Yes life is a reflection. Hugs and have a great day.

  2. Such a beautiful piece! And what a fascinating treat to stand before the goddess of purification... and regard one's own reflection. Powerful, that. ::nods::


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