Wednesday, May 4, 2016



Garlic Keeper-Luscious Glaze

Did you know that a research done by the Washington University found that garlic proved to be up to 100 times more effective than most antibiotics? My friend, Kyle, came across this recipe and she knew I would want to try it. It is loaded with garlic and tastes devine. I think I like it even better than my Decadent Garlic Soup recipe and it is a lot easier to prepare. I've included the recipe at the end of this post.

View of Garlic

I've struggled (but had fun too) for the last 3 years to get my garlic to look the way it does this spring. The green tops almost look as high as corn by the 4th of July..knee high! Of course, the proof will be in the pudding when I pluck them out of the ground around mid July. ( It is only early May and my garlic looks like it is ready to harvest-but-harvest time is in mid July! How large will these garlic grow to be. Exciting.

French Garlic-Here is the area where my French Garlic Grows. My Friends, Doug and Mary Gave Me Some Choice Bulbs From Their Garden

My garlic had to be fed an entire breakfast last fall when I planted them..egg shells, coffee grounds. Then there was the moist dark soil that my brother, Jim, I tilled to just the right texture. Now that spring is here, I have had to weed, feed with fish emulsion and remove all the mulch I gave them last fall. Next comes the soil rich in nitrogen and the final wait time. Watering of course, but not too much and hopefully the beautiful scapes will emerge about 3 weeks before harvest. It sounds like a lot of care and actually it is but I hope to reap the rewards in creating braids and more of my garlic sprinkles and other garlic delicacies. Stay tuned for later posts on the harvesting.

Here is the Siberian Garlic. I Have Garlic From All Over The World

Here is Inchilean Red Garlic from the State of Washington and an Indian Reservation

Garlic, Garlic

As Far As the Eye Can See-Italian Garlic

Here is a recipe for garlic along with one of my garlic keepers which is for sale. It is the perfect way to keep your garlic and makes a wonderful gift. It is 3"wide x 3" deep and 4"high. The glaze turned out luscious. It has brown and beige tones. The lid features one of my original bas -relief faces. It is just $34. If you are interested, just e-mail me and we can go from there. I take personal checks and paypal.



50 peeled garlic cloves
2 T. Butter
2 T. olive oil
2 large diced onions
Thyme, parsley, and a bay leaf
3. C. diced stale bread-crusts removed
1-32 ounce container of chicken broth
1 C. sour cream


Preheat oven to 180. Cut off the top of garlic bulbs, place in aluminum foil and sprinkle olive oil over. Bake for 90 minutes. Cool.

Heat 2 T. of olive oil and some butter in soup pot on medium. Cook onions for 10 minutes, stirring often. Place garlic in food processor and process till smooth. Add to soup pot. Stir well and add herbs, and chicken broth. Place temp on low and add the bread and cook for 5 minutes til bread cubes soften.

Remove herbs from soup pot and blend mixture well until you get a nice and creamy texture. Use a hand held immercer and blend with sour cream. Add salt and pepper to taste. The original recipe called for only 1 cup of broth but mine was too thick so I added more. You can adjust to suit. Mine made about 4 large bowls of soup. It's good to know something that tastes this good is so very good for you. Enjoy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hope I can make it to the Roanoke Market soon to see your booth.

  3. WOW! Your garlic garden looks great. I can't wait to make your garlic soup. I've tasted yours and it's wonderful (and healthy). Thank you for sharing

  4. Antibiotic Garlic Soup" is nature's remedy in a bowl. Packed with immune-boosting garlic and wholesome ingredients, it's a culinary elixir. Cybersecurty Challenges Beyond its delicious flavor, the soup's health benefits offer comfort and nourishment.


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