Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Achemist Burning Bowl


Front View

Sold. Thank you Holly!

The Alchemist is the first burning bowl of the season and fits in well with my Alchemist series. I looked up the definition of alchemy and found it to mean that it can be either a medieval chemical science whereby metals were turned into gold, or a discovery of a universal cure for disease and elixir for prolonging life. So an alchemist would be a person who studies to achieve this goal.


My burning bowls were created to allow the owner a chance to have a burning bowl ceremony which can be personal, or shared with others. Can believing that by burning a paper where ones flaws and bad habits are written really work? This custom appears in many forms. An example would be that the Chinese are known for taking problems into a boat and sending out to sea, thus releasing them to the waters. I have used stained glass in the bowl that has been fired at a high temperature on my kiln, allowing your 'problems' to burn properly. You can use it for incense or a candle when not in ceremony. You may not be able to turn metal into gold but you might be able to clear the slate for a more worry free existence in this life.

Back View

I'm proud that I have kept my price the same for my burning bowls since the first one (all different of course) many years ago. Just $68. She is 4" wide x 5" deep and 9" high including the crystal. I used sparkling crystals and a wing embellishment. I hand sculpted her out of stoneware clay. You can e-mail me if you'd like to purchase. I take Paypal and personal checks. Thank you so much for taking the time to view and read.

Stained Glass Basin


  1. She is beautiful and love the colos of the basin. I still love mine. It sits on a wrought iron stand behind our garden gate. I see it every day!!!

  2. i don't know why i have become such a hopeless blogger, i have missed seeing your beautiful works. the teapot with the lock on the lid is just genius! i am happy to see you creating...art heals, or at least it helps. love you!

  3. Your burning bowls are totally awesome. I still use mine, both for burning ceremonies and candles. It is part of my life now. You do such wonderful work.


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