Friday, October 16, 2015



Bottled Kuhlua

In 1968 my mother-in-law, Muriel – better known as Bana- gave me the recipe for a wonderful Kuhlua drink she had received from a member of one of the many 'clubs' she belonged to. Back then, a lot of women belonged to various clubs. Bana was definitely a club woman. She belonged to about 30! I can't even imagine what clubs they were but I do remember a cooking, bridge and Kiwanas club. I was lucky enough to be the recipient of many of the recipes she gathered from these meetings.

All Ready to Get Started

After all these years, I finally decided to try my hand at the Kuhlua recipe. I changed it only slightly after looking online for more modern versions. After the Kuhlua sets in a cool place (I'll put mine in the wine cellar) for about 1-2 months, I'll find some spiffy little bottles, place my label on and give for Christmas gifts. Thought I'd post now so you can get started on your own Kuhlua. I'll show a picture in a later post of how they turned out. Have fun!


l. Heat 2 Quarts water- 7 cups granulated sugar- ½ cup brown sugar and 2 ½ oz. of instant coffee. Heat until sugar dissolves (about 30 min) Cool thoroughly.

2. Add 2 oz. Pure vanilla and 190 proof grain alcohol. (I could only find 153 grain so I added 3 small airplane size bottles of Bacardi Rum to the pot.

Mix together and either bottle in small gift bottles or a large bottle. Let set in a cool place for about 1-2 months. Makes approximately 5 fifths.

To make a Black Russian, Bana says to add 2 parts vodka to 1 part kuhlua.


  1. Yeah back then the "clubs" were actual social events. Not media. LOL The recipe sounds so good. I think I will try this. Thanks for passing it on.

  2. How much of the grain alcohol do I add. I couldn’t find a qty


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