Monday, June 22, 2015



Sekhmet Goddess Altar


I named my Goddess Ceremonial Altar after Sekhmet. She was known in Egypt as Lioness, protector of the pharaoahs, Solar deity, daughter of Ra and fierce hunter. Her name means 'the one who is powerful.

Last week I sculpted my Sekhmet Altar and since then I seem to see images of her as well as other ancient Egyptians everywhere. While at the flea market a few days ago, I found an Egyptian bust and I just had to have it. I will display my Goddess Ceremonial Necklaces on it and use for any future Egyptian sculptures. The two together strike a powerful image


Sekhmet is 6"wide by 5" deep and 14"high. Her face, as is the entire piece is an original. I handsculpted her from stoneware clay and mosaiced with gold smalti and used several unusual mysterious pieces to adorn. If you are interested in purchasing her, she is $89. You can e-mail me and we can go from there. I will ship anywhere.

Thanks so much for viewing.



  1. WOW Cheryl! How stunning! Just blew me away when I spotted this. No wonder it's already sold! ox

  2. So, so lovely. As only Sekhment can be.

    Love it. :)


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