Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Front View

Red is usually not a color I work with much. I am not sure why because I do love to wear red. I guess I just don’t decorate with it. It’s amazing what a red wall can do for a room though. I heard somewhere that red is a wonderful backdrop and that everyone in the room will look vibrant and alive in a room painted with red. Might be worth trying.


My Within the Within wall hanging certainly would go well with a red theme. She is pulsating with energy. Maybe it’s because of the very old basket I used as a backing. Surely some of the energy from the years of wear has worn itself into the very fibers. I also used several pairs of beautiful ancient looking necklaces, some have brass beads entwined. I used horsehair which has been cut from a horses tail, and sculpted her original face with stoneware clay. She is approx 9” wide by approx 27” long. She is priced at $85.

You can see better on the pictures on Etsy and purchase there or e-mail me directly. Thanks so much!

Here is the story I have written for her. It represents the Senaca tribe I studied with years ago.

Within the Within

At a very young age, she had learned to speak the language of the stones and the language of the trees. Her people, the Seneca, Keepers of the Western Door of the symbolic Longhouse, had taught her. They taught her of the foundation of truth which is called "within the within.'" She learned of the sanctity of the circle and how it symbolizes perfect truth and is considered the pathway of peace and harmony. But of all the many truths that she was taught, he sould knew a truth that her mind was just beginning to comprehend..HER truth. For there is no collective truth. The truth of one soul is not the same as that of another. She knew that truth's purpos is growth...soul growth. She would be open to all truths but true to her own. She knew that by being true to herself, therein she would find her withiness.


  1. Ohhh she is stunning. I mean STUNNING. The red speaks volumes of the spirit of this piece. Love the basket background. Great idea.
    Blessings to you

  2. I agree, she is stunning! Red makes it's point in this piece Cheryl. Your work always inspires me. Take care.


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