Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ocean Extravaganza!


Close-up of Oceana number 1- Price is $350.00. Click here to see more views

Sold. Thank you Patty! The other 5 are still available

Since I have depleted the sea fans and other unusual sea items from my stash, today will be the last day I will be offering my Oceana series for sale till next summer. Several people e-mailed and asked me to create more with the small seahorse so I included them in some of the sculptures.

Side View of Oceana Number 1

While sculpting the large Oceana Sea Goddess, I felt the words coming alive from her story..they seemed to resonate to me as I was sculpting her face. I wanted her to look as though she had just inhaled the wonderful aroma of the sea.

Front View Oceana Number 1

Front View Oceana Number 2- Price is $110.00. Click here to see more views

Oceana number 3- Price is $68.00 Click here to see more views

Oceana number 4- Priced at $78.00 Click here to see more views

Oceana number 5- Priced at $55.00 Click here to see more views

Oceana Number 6 Just $46.00-Last but not least- Click here to see more views

Here is the Ocean story I have written for all of my ocean pieces:


As she was standing at the edge of the ocean she could hear the waves chanting their familiar song. “Come to me, I am greater than you, I am wiser than you..I am the one.” She resisted once again. How long could she continue to resist… How much longer before she embraced her larger self, her destiny, her soul… ..the sea….

~ Cheryl Dolby~

If you are interested in purchasing any of these pieces, please e-mail me. To see more views of each sculpture, click on the etsy link at the bottom of each picture. Thanks so much for visiting today.


  1. So beautiful with such meaningful expressions! Wow!

  2. Oh Cher....these are all beautiful. You captured Oceana perfectly breathing in the ocean air.


  3. She is more than beautiful. She is spiritual. Awesome!

  4. i just fainted over these BEAUTIES! and she IS so SPIRITUAL, Cheryl. such work to behold!

  5. Loving your beautiful ocean goddess with her wonderful expression. Annette x

  6. Beautiful words for a beautiful soul. Awesome and congrats on your sale. I love all your work. Way to go! gloria

  7. Wow all of these are amazing. I love your art as well.
    Great on the sale.

  8. Hi Cheryl! I have always been fascinated with the ocean. It maybe calm, relaxing but it has its own mysterious aspects. The same characteristics I observed with your masterpieces.

    More than your crafts, the story behind impressed me more. It moved me. It affected me. Let us just say that your words and story came in time when I needed it.

    Thanks Cheryl!

  9. I hear her call - enticing...
    Beautiful pieces Cheryl - your talent never fails to astound!


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