Thursday, June 20, 2013


Close-up of Timekeeper

Thank you Deb!

I named her Timekeeper because the story that I had previously written seemed perfect for her. It’s the soulful look on her face that made me think she was contemplating change. I used one of my original stoneware clay faces, horsehair, which was taken from the tail, an old purse from Africa (I think) , which I repurposed into a backing, two ancient looking cloths for her garment and a pin and necklace for embellishments. She is 8” wide by 5” deep by 36 “ long including garment.

Another View

Here is her story. I hope you agree that it suits her perfectly.


There were three doors opening in her life, the doors of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yesterday appeared to be only an illusion, tomorrow a vision. both were vague and nebulas. Today was a place she could not bear to be. The choice was at hand. The voice of intuition began to speak to her and somehow, she knew in her heart that all time Is simultaneous…the first cry also being the last..for there Is only now. By dealing with life in the present, she could begin to remove some of the scars of the past and thus change her future. With a renewed sense of the importance of now.. and a recharged inner essence..she entered the door of today, where a new world awaited her.

~Cheryl Dolby~

Close-up of Antique Canvas

I think Timekeeper would add an air of mystery to any environment. I have priced her at $115. You can view on Etsy
or contact me directly by e-mail. Thanks so much for viewing.


  1. Always such beautiful faces and wonderful words to match.

  2. Simply Fabulous!! what more can one say???
    Your Ardent Follower & Friend

  3. I don't know how you do it! Another beautiful creation! Love it!

  4. She won't be homeless for long, I know!x


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