Thursday, November 29, 2012



Healing Woman Goddess Necklace

Healing Woman

Sold. Thank you Cheryl H!

Dredged from antiquity..daughter of fire emerges with the healing power of the ages..Voices lost in time whisper to her of healing on many levels. Energy rises from her very soul as she remembers the responsibility bestowed upon her. She is the Studda Bubba, the witch, the magician and the shaman..the very essence of the healer. She calls upon the great mother to share with her the wisdom of her yield. Knowing she is merely the vehicle of a force far greater than she, and with great integrity, the healing woman delivers her cures as the power moves through her hands of light.

~Cheryl Dolby~

Shown With Turquoise Chain

Shown on Mannequin for Length

This is her mantra. This is her life. Her special necklace accompanies her as she delivers her cures, both physical and verbal. Healing Woman can be found just about anywhere there is a need.

Shown on Wall as Wearable Art

I have created her necklace by using turquoise, metal feather and fetishes. Her face is an original, just like she is. It is stoneware clay and is the focal point of the necklace. The width of base is 3” and length, including jangles is 6.” The turquoise chain itself is long-about 12” from the neck but because of the unique latch, it can be adjusted to be worn much shorter.


I have priced Healing Woman at $125.00 She is waiting for that special woman to choose her for their journeys into the unknown. Maybe it will be you.

Please contact me by e-mail if you are interested.

Close-Up of Latch


  1. Beautiful! I really love all the words you put with them. I wish there was a way you could put the words on the piece.

  2. Cher...she is a beauty!! I agree with Yvonne..I love your tales you put with each piece.

  3. How do you come up with all these wonderful stories about all your wonderful women!!! I just love what you did with her & her turquiose!!! beautiful!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo

  4. Loving your beautiful shaman, methinks I need her at the moment as have put my back out and her healing powers would be very helpful, x

  5. Another stunning piece Cheryl and I love the turquoise chain too x

  6. Beautiful Cheryl,
    What a awesome Healing Goddess,just a above fabulous creation.She just screams brilliant and stunning. I can never get enough of turqoise,my favorite.I always take away so much from your clever magical spirit shared my friend. Thank you. Hugs Laura.xoxx


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