Thursday, November 29, 2012



Healing Woman Goddess Necklace

Healing Woman

Sold. Thank you Cheryl H!

Dredged from antiquity..daughter of fire emerges with the healing power of the ages..Voices lost in time whisper to her of healing on many levels. Energy rises from her very soul as she remembers the responsibility bestowed upon her. She is the Studda Bubba, the witch, the magician and the shaman..the very essence of the healer. She calls upon the great mother to share with her the wisdom of her yield. Knowing she is merely the vehicle of a force far greater than she, and with great integrity, the healing woman delivers her cures as the power moves through her hands of light.

~Cheryl Dolby~

Shown With Turquoise Chain

Shown on Mannequin for Length

This is her mantra. This is her life. Her special necklace accompanies her as she delivers her cures, both physical and verbal. Healing Woman can be found just about anywhere there is a need.

Shown on Wall as Wearable Art

I have created her necklace by using turquoise, metal feather and fetishes. Her face is an original, just like she is. It is stoneware clay and is the focal point of the necklace. The width of base is 3” and length, including jangles is 6.” The turquoise chain itself is long-about 12” from the neck but because of the unique latch, it can be adjusted to be worn much shorter.


I have priced Healing Woman at $125.00 She is waiting for that special woman to choose her for their journeys into the unknown. Maybe it will be you.

Please contact me by e-mail if you are interested.

Close-Up of Latch

Monday, November 26, 2012



B-dazle! My Sweet Little Art Car

Ain’t she sweet? See her riding down the street Now I ask you very confidentially Ain’t she sweet?

That’s the little tune that keeps popping into my head as I look at B-dazzle with her new carlashes! I also added dazzling eyeliner to her lashes for a real snazzy look.

Oh Those Eyes!

For those of you who are new to my blog, B-Dazzle is my little art car. She has 23,000 beads, bangles and bows and took 6 years to complete. was me, beads, glue and many gallons of wine that got me to the finish line.

Another View

What do you think the chances were that I'd find two buttons at my local flea market that fit exactly in the center of each eye? Just got lucky I guess. Can you tell what I’m going to add next? If you look very closely you will see what looks to be her lips. You can even see where they turn up at the ends to form a smile. I’m wondering whether to apply red enamel paint or use more beads? ahead. If anyone thinks of anything else to use for B-dazzle's face lift, please let me know. I'm always open for ideas~ Hope you like her.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Timekeeper Burning Bowl


This is the first burning bowl in my new series that I created. She is a bit smaller than the other two I featured in the last few posts. Small, but powerful. In case any of you have just come here for the first time, below is an explanation of what the burning bowl series is all about.

Unity Church has a special ceremony each New Year’s Eve. A large bowl is placed at the altar and each member of the church is asked to write down problems or vices they wish to annihilate from their lives.. It could be a wish to quit smoking or drinking. It might be a desire to loose weight or to quit any of a number of addictions. Each person places their list into the bowl and at midnight, the bowl is lit. Everyone watches as the fire burns away all the troubles.

Side View of Timekeeper

Here is Timekeeper’s story:


There were three doors in her life. The Doors of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yesterday appeared to be only an illusion, Tomorrow a vision. Both were vague and Nebulas. Today was a place she could not bear to be. The choice was at hand. The Voice of intuition began to speak to her and Somehow she knew in her heart that all time Is simultaneous..the first cry also being the Last..for there is only now. By dealing with life In the present, she could begin to remove some of the scars of the past and thus change Her future...with a renewed sense of the Importance of now..and a recharged inner Essence..she entered the door of today..where A new world awaited her.

~Cheryl Dolby~

Inside Basin of Bowl

Back View of Timekeeper

Timekeeper is “ 71/2"h x 4"“w x4"d. I created her with stoneware clay and fired her in the kiln. Her basin is stained glass. I used an old watch part to give her a steampunk look. I have priced her at $58.00

Truthseeker Burning Bowl

Here is another burning bowl I have just finished. Her name is Truthseeker. She is x 8"h x 4“d x 4“ w. I used a sparkly blue and crystal jangle for her and a bit of faux turquoise. She is a bit bigger than Timekeeper. She is $62.00.


Her years of research were filled with aggravation And disappointment. She searched for the answer To many questions. “Why are we here..Why do we Die..What purpose does our lives have here on Earth?” They were questions many had asked before. Finally, one day while she was meditating, the Answers started to come to her. They came in the Form of sentence upon sentence of words...words. At first she couldn’t understand any of them. Then it was as though the words had a life of their Own. She became one with the words...She was Speaking the words and then to her amazement, The words were speaking her! They spoke of The unity of all things, of the linkage we all have With one another. She learned that she was the Composer and the composed. The performance And the performer. The sculptor and yet the Clay. She learned she was everything..and as These truths were unfolded..she knew she was on The way to becoming a part of something much Larger-much greater than she could have Ever imagined before.

Cheryl Dolby

Side View of Truthseeker

Inside Bowl of Truthseeker

Let me know if you would like to purchase either one of these burning bowls, or both~They make great gifts. Just e-mail me and we can go from there. Thank you so much for your consideration.

Back View of Truthseeker

Monday, November 19, 2012



Sold. Thank you Linda!

"Eye of God" Burning Bowl

The bazaar was an exciting challenge. She darted quickly in and around the many colorful vendors offering their wares of exotic spices, wooden icons and textiles from the far corners of the world. She would partake of those luxuries later, but for now, her goal was to find just one object; she was obsessed to find an ancient “Eye of God” or, as they call them in Turkey and Greece, “Evil Eye.”
She needed protection and the traditional "Evil Eye" was the answer. She had returned to Greece after having visited there many years ago. She remembered seeing the traditional blue glass bead, with an eye in the center, practically everywhere she went. On her tour to the majestic Meterora, the area in northern Greece where there are monasteries sitting high atop boulders, she remembered seeing the "Evil Eye" hanging from the bus drivers window. He had told her that it offered protection not only from an ill wishers evil glance, but from any problems one might encounter on the road. She learned that the tradition of carrying one or having one close at hand dates back to the Mesopotamians about 5,000 years ago.
Another View

Finally, her search ended. She walked into a shop that was off the beaten path. There was so much dust sitting atop everything that she was sure no one had shopped there for ages. In the corner, almost out of reach to her, was one single chain with not only one but two "Eye of God" beads. It had an ancient looking bell attached. She had found it! Her own personal "Eye of God." She left with her treasure and could visualize it placed on her burning bowl, which she kept on her altar. The frail shop owner who looked to be as old as time, gave only one warning: “I have waited a long time for you. I knew you would come for your amulet. You must keep your "Eye of God" safe and use it only for good, for you have a long journey ahead and you will be needed to help many.”
View of Back

I am offering my burning bowl with the ancient Eye of God attached for $65.00. Let the owner beware: “Use only for good.” She is 4“ w x 4“d x 10” high. I have used stained glass for her base and fired the piece in my kiln to a high temperature so that you can write your problems and worries down and burn them away. Below is a description of the burning bowl:
Close-Up of "Eyes of God" and Bell

Unity Church has a special ceremony each New Year’s Eve. A large bowl is placed at the altar and each member of the church is asked to write down problems or vices they wish to annihilate from their lives.. It could be a wish to quit smoking or drinking. It might be a desire to loose weight or to quit any of a number of addictions. Each person places their list into the bowl and at midnight, the bowl is lit. Everyone watches as the fire burns away all the troubles.

Let me know if you would like me to send her to you. You can purchase her on Etsy or contact me by e-mail. Thank you so much for your consideration.
Stained Glass Basin

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Magical Goddess

She was noticed by many at the soiree. She was the one who waltzed in the door like she owned the grand manor house with the yacht docked in the ocean just behind and the Ferrari in the drive. Her artful movements throughout the evening were mirrored by the ethereal glitzy necklace she wore. All eyes were drawn to it. For most, it was music for the soul, partly because the jewels seemed to dance and take on a life of their own, and partly because of the regal aspect it leant to the wearer.


My necklace is an original-one of a kind. It is 4” w by 9” h and the chain hangs 8”” from the neck. Gems are centered around one of my original clay faces. I have priced her modestly at $135.00 I can ship her out immediately. I just listed her on Etsy, where you can purchase her or you can e-mail me and we can go from there.

Shown on the Wall
Shown in the hand for size
Shown on a mannequin

Wouldn’t this colorful, vibrant Goddess be grand to wear to your next holiday soiree?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Close-up of Face

Sold. Thank you Wanda!

Unity Church has a special ceremony each New Year’s Eve. A large bowl is placed at the altar and each member of the church is asked to write down problems or vices they wish to annihilate from their lives.. It could be a wish to quit smoking or drinking. It might be a desire to loose weight or to quit any of a number of addictions. Each person places their list into the bowl and at midnight, the bowl is lit. Everyone watches as the fire burns away all the troubles.

There are many religions who also follow this principal. For example, the Chinese place problems in a boat and sail it off into the ocean.
Full View of Oceana

I thought it was a good idea to create small personal burning bowls. Even though I have made them for many years, I decided to shake them up a bit and sculpt the entire torso of my goddesses. The one I’m featuring today is one of my Oceana pieces. By this I mean that I have named her and given her the story of Oceana and of course embellished her with items from the sea.

As she was standing at the edge of the ocean she could hear the waves chanting their familiar song. “Come to me, I am greater than you, I am wiser than you..I am the one.” She resisted once again. How long could she continue to resist… How much longer before she embraced her larger self, her destiny, her soul… ..the sea….
~ Cheryl Dolby~
Close-Up of Stained Glass Basin

is created from Stoneware clay and stains. I fired her in the kiln which causes the glass I have placed in the basin of the bowl to melt. You can burn away your problems in this bowl and place a candle or incense in the bowl when not in use. She is 10”h x 6”w x 5”deep and I have priced her at $65. Please check out more views on Etsy or e-mail me if you decide you would like to have Oceana as your personal burning bowl. Thank you.
Side View

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Full View of Warrior Woman Goddess Necklace

Sold. Thank you Kayla!

When Europeans arrived on our continent, they were surprised that Indian women were not subservient to men. They were farmers and they entered into warfare. The tribes were matrilineal, meaning the people belonged to their mothers clans. I had the great pleasure of studying with one such woman; Bonnie Nampeyo. Please go to this blog post if you would like to read more.

Shown in Hand For Size

Two famous Indian women are Pocanhontas and Sacajawea but for both, their fame is based on their association with non-Indians. There are several whose warrior abilities stood on their own such as Crow warrior, Fallen Leaf. She was considered chief and sat in the council of the chiefs. Another great warrior was Blackfoot’s, Running Eagle. She prayed to the sun to give her power after her husband was killed and she led successful raids.

On Mannequin

Colestah fought at her husbands side. She was a medicine woman, warrior and psychic and helped to heal her husband of war wounds. Buffalo Calf Robe rode into battle with her husband, Black Coyate, as well and also rode into the middle of a battle to save her brother from death. In the battle where Custer was defeated, one who led the battle was a woman named Moving Robe. In the words of Lakota warrior, Rain-in-the-Face:

"Holding her brother's war staff over her head, and leaning forward upon her charger, she looked as pretty as a bird. Always when there is a woman in the charge, it causes the warriors to vie with one another in displaying their valor."

It is evident from the words of Rain-in-the-Face, that having a woman lead an attack was not unknown to Lakota warriors.

If you would like to read more about these brave Warrior Women you can go to this site from which I got some of my information.


When I found an interesting metal pendant several years ago, I knew if I waited long enough, I would find the perfect use for it. Sure enough. When I started thinking about women as warriors, I remembered the pendant and used it to create “Warrior Woman Goddess” She is 3” x by 8” including the warrior pendant drop and the chain is 11” from the top. I used one of my original clay faces along with antique pieces and turquoise. I have priced her at $115.00 You can view more images of her on Etsy or contact me by e-mail.

Thanks so much for reading and viewing my Warrior Woman. Warrior women exist today in every culture. I think we all know women who fit into that category.

Close-Up of Original Face