Wednesday, August 29, 2012



Close-Up of "Blooming Spirit"

The other day, I was perusing through my favorite blogs and came across MsElenaeous Rants and Rave’s, which is the title of a blog created by a friend of mine. Elena is a very talented writer who moved here to Roanoke, Virginia a few years back. Although she has made our mountainous area her home, she speaks of missing her life in NYC. I thought about her dilemma. Having lived in many different places after graduating from high school, I can sympathize with her. I think we all tend to compare our new surroundings with the area in which we grew up.

Full Length "Blooming Spirit" 12"x24"

In response to Elena, I immediately thought of a poem I wrote, titled “Blooming Spirit.” Coincidentally, I was working on a renaissance oil collage of a girl with sunflowers and after I read Elena's blogpost, I thought it would be serendipitous to name my sunflower girl after my poem. Here is the poem and details about my painting.

Side View

Close-Up of Poem printed on the Highly Textured Cloak

Just in case you cannot read the wording on Blooming Spirit's cloak, I have included it here.

“Blooming Spirit”

Her home was far away and she longed for the roots that had for so long held her life together; friends, family and familiar surroundings. Time passed as she quietly endured her sorrow. Finally, she rejoiced, for her soul, who knew far more than she, revealed a great truth: “Change is growth, you must bloom where you are planted.”
~Cheryl Dolby~

I do believe that it is important to “Bloom where you are planted.” If you choose to make the very most of the area or even situation you find yourself in, you will truly find that before will be home again.

Blooming Spirit is an original oil and acrylic collage. I distressed her by using a crackle solution. I used the Renaissance Oil Method and collaged the background.

Blooming Spirit is for sale. I have priced her at $175.00. She is 12”w x 24”h x ½” For shipping prices to Alaska , Hawaii, or other countries, please e-mail me.


  1. Truer words were never spoken. Everywhere I've ever moved, I've longed for the previous place I lived. Now I feel I'm really home, because I'm blooming right where I live.

    Your lady is adorable. I'm always in awe of oil and acrylic art because mixing them is so tedious. You do incredible work, as always.

  2. Oh how amazing- I love your woman- as always the EYES are incredible, so full of soul- in a word, gorgeous. I also love the way the words of your poem weave in and out of the piece, such a beautiful finishing touch!

  3. Thank you Cheryl...not only for understanding, but you also gave me something to write about this morning ;)

  4. Hello Cheryl, your poem is lovely and your collaged painting beautiful, how marvellous to combine the two. Love the heavily collaged cloak x

  5. Beautiful words Cheryl and love how you've interwoven them into your collage. A magical piece of art. x

  6. Your sunflower collage is really wonderful. Beautiful lady and brilliant how you added the words.Great art work!

  7. Beautifully creative, as always. BTW, I loved looking at all of the reunion photos. I do hope we have a 55th!

  8. Love the words and the crackle texture is wonderful!

  9. A beautiful painting and a beautiful post to go along with it, Cheryl. I love the saying, "Bloom where you're planted"....makes a lot of sense.

  10. A beautiful collage and wise words- if we can bloom and take root wherever we are - we are at peace!
    Have a wonderful weekend Cheryl!

  11. Fabulous collage Cheryl, and your poem is brilliant. I hope your friend can find growth and peace in her new home.
    hugs Lynn

  12. An amazing and exciting painting, Cheryl. A big high five.


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