Monday, June 4, 2012



Goddess Planter

In the summer, I often reflect on quotes from Ray Bradbury’s book, “Dandelion Wine.” Bradbury writes, “Medicines of another time, the balm of sun and idle afternoons, the faintly heard sounds of ice wagons passing on brick avenues, the rush of silver skyrockets, all these in a glass.” It seems like a timeless quote to me because it echoes my past and yet places me squarely in the present summertime. In this post, I will attempt to have you enter my world this summer at Woodloft.


I love when my plants get to the stage where they drape over the top of my Goddess planters and in some cases, they even begin to become integrated and look as though plant and planter are one.

Hidden Goddess Planter

Earth Mother Goddess Fountain

Goddess with Baby's Breath

My garden is doing great so far. Last year, the deer feasted on most of my vegetables and they seemed to especially like my impatiens.

Hydrageos and Petunias

Tomato and Bean Garden

The market has been hopping the last few weeks with one celebration after the other. We had a Chili cookoff, Strawberry festival, Local Colors festival, a dog festival, Festival in the Park Craft show, and last weekend was the Sidewalk Art Show.

Side-View of Booth at Farmer's Market Saturday

Picture of "yours truly" taken on the market by soap girl Rebecca

My Friend, Trish, Sitting on Back of B-dazzle With Her Flowered Dress

Rudy Saunders Drummed at the Park adjacent to the Market

Tim Belcher and Helper

Jerry and Brian-Who Call Themselves "Two Bitter Old Potters"

Chris and Friend Cook Up A Storm at 'Thelma's Chicken and Waffles' Restaurant

Pauline's Enticing Little Boutique on the Market

Since I acquired my Kindle, I read more books in a week than I used to in months. The reason: I am able to enlarge the font and have no need for reader glasses. Of the many I have read recently, one that I’d like to recommend for summer reading is 'The book of Lost Fragrances,'by M.J.Rose. I like it when authors names suit their titles~LOL. The book is very thought provoking and I’ve even started a new art series after reading it.’ Maybe you can guess what it is I’ll be creating.

Speaking of creating, I’m busy with my ‘face’ soaps for the market. They are major good sellers for me and I’m having a hard time keeping up with the demand!

My Face Soaps in Lavender and Rose Geranium

Even though it is not the season for eggplants, I have been craving them. Obsession is my name when it comes to finding the best recipe possible for any given dish. The last few weeks, I’ve been experimenting with recipes for Eggplant Parmagiana. Coming from an ethnic background, I have always made my parmagiana from traditional methods of salting, draining and dipping the eggplant before frying and baking. Recently, I attended one of our “Little Supper Club” gatherings and was delighted with Christine’s pasta eggplant. In her recipe, spaghetti was actually added as an ingredient and it was very tasty. I decided that there must be many other recipes out there so I searched the web and experimented with several. Finally, I came up with the one that rivals my recipe and is much simpler and better for you. I’ll be posting the recipe soon.

Christine's Eggplant Parmagiana

I vow to try to slow down this summer and enjoy all the beauty that surrounds me. Hope everyone else gets a chance to slow down as well.


  1. What a wonderful array of summer things and friends. The market is coming alive, isn't it. The eggplant parmagiana looks good enough to pull off your blog and eat it. YUM! I am so glad that our herbs are doing so very well. And all of your Goddess planters are so delightful!
    your friend,

  2. Summer time and the living is easy...

    I want to visit that market - colourful produce and even more colourful characters. Looks like an episode from a family-style drama - like The Gilmore Girls!

  3. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful delights, have loved reading and seeing all your beautiful photographs. x

  4. I was sorry to read your recent leg problem. They are not to be trifled with because a blood clot can break off and travel to your heart. So please take care, dear.

    What a feast you have shared with us now that you have returned to blogland. And I don't just mean the eggplant dish, either. The wonderful scenes in and around your garden, the sights of the Farmer's Market, and your lovely planters in full bloom are welcome and so refreshing.

    You suggested I could still plant more tomatoes in your post. I looked and there are none left at several nurseries. I think the time has passed. One company had some, but they were destroyed by the hail, just like mine.

  5. Hi Cheryl! I always appreciate posts that relate much about your life, equipped with tons of pictures. As I see each picture, I could almost see myself being part of your group. :D Your planters, people surrounding you, your ever unique car (which was adored by my friends too), your recipe and all the people surrounding you.

    While you are about to enter summer, the opposite happens in my country. Though in reality, it's always summer here in my country because we live near the equator :D The temperature in my country cools down and we are about to enter the rainy season.

    I'm looking forward on more posts such as this. Have a great week!

  6. Oh this post is just filled with everything that makes you love summer--from your beautiful garden to all of the outdoor festivities--love it all!!

  7. Your garden looks wonderful Cheryl, lush and green! Your goddesses make a wonderful addition. Looks as if the market had a varied selection of talented artisans. All and all, a lovely post!

  8. tooo EXQUISITE your planters. thank you for this most lovely, lively and loving post cheryl. xo

  9. OMG Cheryl,
    IT was so good to hear from you! I have missed reading your blog, which grounds me, and I have missed you. Your garden looks lovely and I am sure beckons many. The farmers market, well, I could envision myself there. I could hear the activity smell the food, enjoy the sights. Thank you. Your part of the world is a little bit of paradise!

  10. Hi Cheryl,
    I love this summery post- I feel like I have gone to a wonderful arts and crafts fair- love your earthy women and those soaps - wow! Interesting how you mentioned Ray Bradbury; I noticed in the paper this morning that he just passed away. An amazing writer and visionary...
    Your art is inspirational and you sound happy and busy. Fantastic!!

  11. Hi glad I stopped by, this post is chock-full of beauty! You are such an inspiration, so full of life!
    And those crocs! They need a mention:)

  12. Cheryl, looks like a fabulous art show. Your picture is beautiful!
    I love how your plants have mingled with your art work too. They must be very happy in their new homes.
    Farm chicks was awesome, So much inspiration. Thanks for entering my giveaway
    hugs Lynn

  13. Hi Ceryl,your sculptures look wonderful with plants and mosses, wonderful garden pictures, love your face soaps, I would never have the heart to use them. Thanks for sweet comments.
    Hugs Anni


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