Monday, May 7, 2012


Tatiana, Fairy Queen

Sometimes I get carried away with my mosaics. One example would be my b-dazle car, which you can view here. Another would be my laundry room labyrinth floor, shown here. The latest adventure in mosaics is a new series I’ve named simply, Mosaic Goddess Planters.

Tatiana, is the first in my series. The name means "Fairy Queen," according to an online fairy site. LOL. Tatiana's dimentions are approx 15"h x 9"w x 9"d. She is quite striking when the light hits the stained glass and glass tiles. She is more expensive than most of my planters because of the time factor. I not only sculpted her of stoneware clay, but then fired and mosaiced her. I lost track of the hours and I see no way to shorten the process. I’ve priced her at $375.00. One of these days, I’ll figure out how to make something simple!
If anyone is interested in purchasing Tatiana, you can contact me by e-mail
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  1. Wow Cheryl, she's a beauty! I love all your mosaic work, simply stunning x

  2. Lovely work. The mosiacs sure give it a different yet elegant look.

  3. She's spectacular! I also enjoyed the tour.

  4. Just beyond wonderful!!!
    I see my lady each day and smile!

  5. I did not know Tatiana meant Fairy Queen. I love how she sparkles. The necklace is the perfect touch. I remember the day we met it was a mosaic planter that caught my eye.I thought, "Anything would grow abundantly and with joy in surrounded by that beauty."

  6. Totally fabulous work Cheryl you have the patience of a saint. x

  7. Who wouldn't love mosaics? I always appreciate every mosaic I see because I know the intricate details an artist has to work on for this. You never fail to amaze me Cheryl!

  8. Hi Cheryl thank you for commenting on my PPF post, but thought I ought to say I am only enrolled in one class and thats my Art Class. But I do teach Altered Art to the over 60's. Enjoy the weekend, hugs Annette x

  9. She is incredible Cheryl...a tremendous amount of time and love went into her...she is just vibrating with soul.
    Thanks also for posting the link to your old was fun to re-visit all of your astounding pieces.

  10. Lovely latest piece. I was having a conversation with a friend about pricing our art and how it's so hard to make something someone would buy and appreciate after all the hard work we have in it. I know my sewn journals all have well over 300 hours in them, but no one would pay what I should charge for them. Like you, I don't know how to make simple and it shows in your lovely pieces, including this one.

  11. HOw to Eat a cupcake was fluffy, however I really enjoyed the story line and the author did a great job with the food descriptions. I took it with my on the trip-I did not read much of it on the plane-long story-the airlines cancelled my flight two days in a row and we did not leave until 1 am so I mostly slept but for reading before I went to bed each night it did the trick.


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