Friday, March 16, 2012



Our Model, Egypt, Pictured With My Sculpture Of Her

I’ve just returned from a sculpting session with the famous Philippe Faraut! When I heard that Philippe was to teach a class in Sarasota, Florida, I hopped on a plane and joined the group of students who eagerly tried to absorb all that they could in an effort to perfect their craft from this master.

Lunch With Some Of The Students

Philippe has an impressive background with includes working in forensics. When I asked him to tell me a bit about it, he said “It is like working with a puzzle. You are so happy when you finally put the pieces together and are able to solve something.” Philippe teaches mainly in his studio just outside Rochester, NY and in the southern part of France each summer.

Here I Am, Hard At Work On My Sculpture

Our model, Edith, was probably the best I’ve ever used for sculpting a figure in clay. She maintained different poses tirelessly without complaint and took few breaks. Two lovely women in the class decided that the perfect name for Edith was, Egypt. We continued to call her that throughout the 3 days that she modeled for us and she said it seemed to fit and she loved it.

Philippe Giving A Demonstration In Portrait Sculpting

Ringling College Of Art And Design, Founded in 1931 By Circus Magnate, John Ringling

Even though I teach a class in sculpture myself, I feel it is important to constantly try to learn new methods and to hone my skills. I added more geometry and working in planes to my expertise and plan to pass tips along to my own students this summer for my FIGURE CLASS. I have one space left in that class and 3 left in my FACES CLASS to be held in July. Hope you will decide to venture to Roanoke, Virginia and bask in scenery of the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway while attending my 7 day, all –inclusive class.

You can visit Philippe’s website by clicking here.

Another View Of Unfinished Sculpture-Student, Ann, In Background


  1. So gorgeous. She looks so natural and what a beauty she is....

  2. The lady is very pretty and your sculpture of her is phantastic. You are a great artist, with incredible talents.
    I love all your artwork. Have a great weekend

  3. Fascinating, as usual.

  4. This is amazing. I am so impressed with your work. You are so lucky to be able to add this gifted artist to your list of artists you have learned from. I can see this class has added to your skills, although you had many already.

  5. Looks as if you are really enjoying yourself and your sculpting certainly shows this.

  6. Sounds like an amazing opportunity Cheryl, I admire your dedication to your art. Your sculpture is looking fantastic xx

  7. Thank you SO much for your kind comment. I am delighted you found the AB lesson on glue and gesso interesting enough to reference it. I know you are so good about treating things like this with respect, too. Im SO sorry you had trouble with Blogger. Welcome to MY Blogger world!

  8. Oh wow Cheryl!Just fantastic. What a great treat for you taking this class - you really look as if you are having a wonderful time. And your own classes are really taking off - I just knew they would. So delighted for you.

  9. HoW Fantastic to be able to take such a cool class!Would love to hop on a plane some day and take one of yours! Maybe someday...always wonderful to hear from you on my little blog. Thanks for stopping by Cheryl. Love Bridgette

  10. oh Cheryl...
    How I have missed visiting you and all of your are an amazing artist. I loved seeing all of your photos...thanks for sharing.

    ciao Bella

    Creative Carmelina

  11. OMG! how utterly fortunate that you could just jump on a plane for this. Your work is fabulous and I cannot fathom doing this in a short period of time. The clay from my psst calls me sometimes. Wish I could and with time I would. How did you travel back home with your piece?

  12. Amazing Cheryl,
    What a fabulous successful trip!!
    You know how to live life...wonderful.
    The art work just takes my breathe away and it is brilliant.
    To think that is the magic that comes from your talented hands. Wow ...
    You looked so pretty with dark hair and wearing turquoise. What a life experience and truly enjoyed sharing the moments.
    I dream of doing what you do !!! Best wishes..

  13. The class was indeed worth it Cheryl. I just can't imagine the effort you have to exert in order to achieve each intricate detail. And as always I admire your thirst to learn and hone your talent. Have a great weekend Cheryl!

  14. Absolutely stunning Cheryl - your work is so inspiring to me.


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