Monday, September 12, 2011



Crackled wax effect on number 2 Frida

Here I go again with my Frida obsessions. I spent so much time on the face for the painting I worked on a few months ago, that I am trying to utilize that time by using the digitals for various artwork that I normally create. This time around, I’ve chosen the “Gypsy Woman” series. Frida may not have been a gypsy but she had the heart and soul of one. She loved to dress in the native Mexican garb and wore flowers and jewelry that depicted her country.

All three Frida journals

I ran a digital image of Frida. I used all sorts of yarn and ribbons to embellish the spine and I placed some of the flowers I dried from my garden onto the front with encaustic wax, which I then painted.

Frida journal number 1

Close-up of wax finish

Inside back journal number 1

For the second journal, I did much the same with a few variations like crackling the face. The third one is an image from my “Music is my refuge” collage. I think she also looks Frida-ish.

Crackled wax effect on journal number 2

"Music is my Refuge" journal

Hope you like them. They are for sale. If I don’t sell them here at my blog, I plan to take them to the Farmer’s Market where I sell each Saturday. Hopefully these journals will appeal to someone who likes the textural feel of the cloth and wax.

Journal number 1 is 5x7” and priced at $46. Number 2 is also $46 and number 3 is $42. Please e-mail me if you are interested and we can go from there. I take all major credit cards, checks or Paypal.

Thanks so much! Hugs XX00


  1. Hi Cheryl! I always love notebooks and journals. It's one of my obsessions. ;-) I love to collect them.

    Your Frida collections are so beautiful. It speaks a lot of character, color and life. I would love to own one of them.

  2. Oh these are so beautiful!!! I love reusing images of my paintings to create new things too- I definitely want to try that crackle effect!
    Hope everything is going well for you,

  3. Cheryl your journals are wonderful, love the texture and crackle effect on them, Frida have some fantastic eyes.

  4. Cheryl, these are soooooooooooooooooooo lovely! The Frida journal looks just like her! I love how you embellished her with flowers from your garden ... this piece looks much like colorful renditions one would see of the lovely and very vivacious soul!

    Cheryl, I have closed down my blog ... mainly due to the lack of readers, the loss of followers, and commentators. I knew when starting my pages that I was doing something quite different but had high hopes that it would succeed. It took a lot of time and work to create each piece ... I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being one of my three loyalist readers and for always leaving a comment. Many a days, you helped keep the pages of Tattered Gold alive.

    Warmest of hugs, I send your way. P.

  5. These are beautiful journals. I really loved the cracked wax effect of Frida. I identify with Frida so much because of the physical pain she went through and how she persevered through it and received healing from her art.
    Hugs and blessings

  6. Stunning work, I particularly like the crackle effect on journal no. 2. Fabulous effect!!

  7. wow all of these journals are fabulous. Especially love the use of wax and the crackle effects which I would never have thought of using in a journal. Thank you for the inspiration. Annette x

  8. wow! really beautiful and interesting....all those great textures and 3-d action!! And ribbons!! Loooove!

  9. Looks like I'm going to have to try that wax technique. Of course, I don't have the lovely images you have, so I guess I'll just admire yours instead.

  10. Your work is amazing, such beautiful art. these are magnificent
    hugs June

  11. Love your Frida journals- she is always a source of inspiration, love of color and living life boldly!

  12. Love the crackle effect. I just got some crackle medium - nothing is safe from cracking now!!

  13. Your "original" Frida was soooooo beautiful, I can't blame you for using the finished piece to create these fabulous journals, Cheryl! I think I'm going to have to get some "crackle" finish. You've inspired me!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  14. Wonderful journals! And Frida is a worthy "obsession."
    BTW … my garden isn't fenced in.

  15. Lovely, creative and colorful!!! Hugs P.S>I'm having my very first blog hop today Please stop by and link up your lovely blog.

  16. Beautiful, beautiful Frida's!!!

    You asked about the class I am taking...Katie Kendrick's of Joyously Becoming, she is on my blog list and I have a link to her under the first class day post or just go to my blog list you will see the link there. I have to sign in as anonymous as many blog comments for some reason are not allowing me to comment. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your comment!


  17. are exqusite.....positively beautiful and stunning..and very soulful! Shine on!!
    Happy Autumn upcoming..

  18. They're all wonderful Cheryl! I love the colourful fibres and the textured wax effect, simoply exquisite all round!

  19. Beautiful Cheryl! Love the crackled effect best!

  20. Oh they are so wonderful! I love them..and that crackle...why, it's so romantic! and nostalgic.....why is it that we are all so fascinated with vintage and OLD! It makes me swoon!

    You are an amazing artista!
    Frieda would have been honoured!

    ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina

  21. Just beautiful, Cheryl! It is fun to re-work your own artwork into something new...I love the gypsy feel with all of the ribbon. And the crackle is inspired. ♥♥♥

  22. Cheryl, I Love the look of wax on your journals and even more so with the crackle!
    hugs Lynn

  23. Cheryl my friend, i am just the biggest fan of Frida, so beautiful so imaginative and moving art. thanks for always being so inspiring.
    Thanks also for your comment on my latest set at Dezina, you made my day :)
    Hugs June xxx

  24. thank you so much for your visit. You are not only extremely thoughful.. your artwork is incrediable! I wish we lived closer. I am trying to do some handbuilt potter lately...boy do you inspire. My comment are not all posting I do not know why...thank yo again for stopping by. xo Laura

  25. Me again!
    Thought I'd swing by here and see if I couldn't coerse you to visit me and my latest sketch!

    Have a great night!

    Ciao Bella

    creative carmelina

  26. They are gorgeous! So many exquisite details. I'm now inspired to tie ribbons on the notebooks I take to class.

  27. Your journals are fabulous, I admire the texture and crackle effect on them. Frida have some beautiful eyes in an expressive face.
    Hugs Anja


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