Wednesday, August 24, 2011



Goddess of Winter Solstice

Last spring, I completely sold out of my Goddess planters. For some reason, people were more excited about them than in previous years. A few customers asked if I would create some for Christmas and I bulked at the idea. My thought was that they would not make good Christmas gifts because people aren’t thinking plants at that time. Not to be discouraged, one of my best customers urged me to create them just the same and add artificial silk plants to them. Now, Let me say that right off the bat, I am not a fan of anything artificial. But…having said that, there is some really gorgeous silk greenery that might just work for wintertime. So, I decided to get going since the clay takes a long time to dry and I’m thinking I might have a Christmas show for them here at Woodloft (my home.)

I started with a really large planter that will be the Goddess of Winter Solstice. I will try to find artifacts to add to her when completed so that she is regal and fits the title. She is much larger than my other planters. Can’t wait to fire and compete her.

Painting using encaustic wax and oils placed on chair

My energy is flowing strong right now and I’ve also started several other very different kinds of art. For example. I am planning on writing a book on encaustic wax with oils soon and was experimenting with the piece below. I placed her onto a chair in my studio and another idea occurred to me. Why not make her into a chair back. So now I’m looking for interesting chairs in which to place more pieces like her (like I need more chairs around Woodloft!)


Full view

Here is another example of a painting I created using Jane DesRosier’s method that I learned in her class. I named this one “I Remember Union.” She is slated to be placed in “One Block East” Gallery in downtown Roanoke, Virginia.

Close-up of I Remember Union. World images of faces and events surround her

I love it when the creative juices flow, don’t you? My energy level is very, very high, which could be attributed to the incredible dynamics that stemmed from the students of my first residential sculpture school. The combined personalities of the students generated such vigor and power that I do believe it still resonates in my studio! I’ve already started planning for the class in Sculpting the Figure in Clay, which will be held next July.

Happy creating to all in the beautiful autumn ahead.

Full view of I Remember Union


  1. Wonderful pieces Cheryl! Your muse is alive and well! Love the chair back idea!

  2. These are beautiful. I do love the idea of a goddess planter too. :)

  3. Cheryl !! your art is amazing , every thing you do has Magic . I can't wait to see the winter goddess all finish up and dress up!!!

  4. Gorgeous lady!!!!!!!!!!
    I have my offering bowl all set up and will post on my blog. I love having her in my garden!!!

  5. Wow all wonderfully creative pieces, love every one of them. You must have a huge kiln to fire this wonderful piece of sculpture. So looking forward to seeing this complete. Have a great week, xx

  6. Christmas planters. What a divine idea. Maybe a Christmas cactus planted in it would be good. Once again, all I can say is: WoW

  7. The first piece looks so alive to me Cheryl. I feel that her eyes looks so real. And I agree that being surrounded by energetic and people with high spirits are contagious. The energy spreads and ignites the passion to be creative. I think I need something like that :) I'll be looking forward in your Christmas planters and my first Christmas as your follower too. :)

  8. A beautiful poinsettia would look right at home in one of your amazing planters and they come in many colors besides just red.

    I fully understand your creative energy and how it was amped up by the class you gave. It made me think of when we used to sing - the energy generated by three part harmony was so exhilarating. You have a magical soul, my friend. Magical. xox

  9. Wow, you have been energized- I love all three pieces and how each one is so very special! I actually read this yesterday but wanted to let it digest a bit before commenting, I am in love with your planters of course and the idea of your paintings as chair backs is fabulous and I love everything about I Remember, that background is incredible.....wonderful work!

  10. Cheryl thanks for sweet comments on my book, this Goddess planter will be as wonderful as the others you have made, oh I would love to have one with flowers in my garden, great painting too, love the colors and the background.

  11. Cheryl, these works are my favorite yet! My goodness, the face of your muse, on the chair, is so luminous! She has the most sweetest, loveliest countenance I have ever seen painted.

    The work "I Remember Union" is breathtaking. She has a mystical quality about her and one of luminosity also.

    I believe your Goddess planters would do well no matter the time of year! An intimate showing of your works at Woodloft for the holidays could be quite stunning, I should say. White mini lights, candles, faux snow, touches of gilt, and your stunning works would make one knockout of a show!

  12. So much great work! I love all of it!

  13. Cheryl you have so much talent and creativity--it's amazing. Your painting is just stunning! I knew that you would benefit from Jane's class.

  14. Creative Cheryl,
    I always feel a lot of creative energy visiting your blog. I just love your goddess, her face speaks such peace. You are such a wonderful giving woman with some very much to share. I feel thankful knowing you.
    Wish you a great weekend,Hugs Laura. xoxx
    P.s.When I think of artful clever that reflects your soul..

  15. Cheryl, If your creative juices flow much more they will be spilling over in the streets of Roanoke! WOW GF you have been one busy lady. I think your Winter Solstice planter is a wonderful idea. Even if she didn't have plants. She could hold a special Christmas gift. Perhaps she will go to another artist and have a planter full of craft supplies!!!
    hugs Lynn

  16. Hi Cheryl, wow your creative juices cup runneth over! I LOVE IT when that happens! Beautiful idea for the Winter Solstice Goddess. The chair idea is genius.

  17. Beautiful planter, Cheryl! And your new Goddess' face is exquisite! So . . . you're planning to go "under the covers"! LOL! Good for YOU! Always reaching for new stars to catch and put in your creative pocket!!!

    BTW - Thanks for your blog visit and good wishes. And, good luck in my giveaway drawing too! ♥ Hugs, Terri xoxo

  18. Your creativity is really abundant, fabulous new ideas, especially the chair. I still think you should do a book!

  19. WONDROUS WORK! you've delighted my senses and fed my soul this morning. thank you!

  20. love the chair! The eyes are beautiful. Hugs!

  21. Cheryl, everything you create is beautiful and mystical. I can't wait to see the finished planters but in the meantime I am loving your chair. Kudos.

  22. I think you are right, working with a group gives so much energy!!!! Maybe.......not next year but maybe...;I come to jour your class another year.

  23. Cheryl!!! Not only are you high on positive energy, but you are hitting new heights! I am not sure which painting I like more, both are so filled with emotion and detail. I love nothing more than a painting that draws me in to inspect every detail and feel every emotion. And that planter is phenomenal! Just as she is. I can't imagine what else she needs, but I know you know☺
    I have to thank you for putting the Book of Shadows to such good use, that makes me feel happy. I saw it earlier on a borrowed computer, but couldn't leave a comment.
    Seeing all of your pictures from the retreat was a real pleasure too.
    Maybe you should rename the Woodloft...Pleasure Island sounds about right ;)

  24. mmm,love the Godess planter and I remember Union Painting,I am gleaning Inspirations from women,to Tarot to divine Mothers to beautiful Divas,,,and enjoying how women nourish each other as Artists.
    The night is stormy as Spring arrives to Northern Australia,this morning I enjoyed finding flowering treasures in my garden and the mud between my toes...time to clear some creative spaces and otter about setting the scene with sacred things and strings, snail shells and blooms...pastel, clay, plants and earth...writing and recording...time to create..Wild Women Weaving,Debra

  25. This is a great idea to make them for Christmas presents. There beautiful and all year round, wow!
    You art is so amazing!
    The Indian painting I did for my mum or Uncle. Mum bought a picture from a second hand shop of an Indian, very striking! She bought it for her brother, when she got home wanted to keep it. So painted i an Indian so they both have a picture. Totally surprised the colours also. Something I've never ventured to in darker forms. Like the colours.
    Love all the mosaic tiles you've placed on your beautiful lady, too!

  26. Cheryl...your work is beautifully-amazing..blows me away and is phenomenal always!Your beautiful spirit shines through it all...I love and admire your work..just -wow-wonderful!!
    Enjoy the rest of summer and blessings of autumn!


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