Friday, May 27, 2011

Face Planters



Here she is surrounded by a garden of zinnias

Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ve always said that materialism and spiritualism can mean the same thing. The wonderful fountain that plays a background melody in my garden and allows me to meditate upon life, the flowers that adorn every corner of the grounds at Woodloft (my home), the rock walls that hold the soil at bay and the sculptures that beautify each walkway, all play a part in spiritualism. Yet, they were made at a price or purchased. Where do we draw the line between those two words? Materialism/spiritualism?

Full view

Here is the poem I wrote for her:

“She Who Surrounds Herself in Beauty”

……Brings all of nature’s bounty to her abode. She calls upon the earth, the mountains and the ocean to share with her their abundance. She takes no more than she is offered for she knows that life gives what is needed. She has hand crafted everything in her possession or has received as a gift those items that were carefully and with love created…therein her life is made all these things.

~Cheryl Dolby~

Another close-up

The planter I have named, “She Who Surrounds Herself in Beauty,” reflects my feelings on this subject. I used lots of gold, bronze and silver to adorn her. She sits quietly in the garden and adds a feeling of atmosphere to her quiet surroundings. We will be creating a planter similar to this one at my residential sculpture class this summer. I am accepting 5 students and have 2 openings left. You can read all about it here.
At an angle-side view

She is 12” high and 5” wide. I used stoneware clay and fired her at a very high temperature so that she can remain outside all summer long and can be watered without fear because I used Aquarium glue which is the same glue I used on my art car b-dazle I know this glue works!

I’ve just listed her on e-bay. You can check her out there and e-mail me if you’d like to purchase her. She is $85.00. I take all credit cards, checks and Paypal. I am happy to ship internationally as well.

Thanks so much.


  1. Oh, she is so beautiful- I know she'll add serenity to any garden she is placed in! What lucky students to be making something so timeless and full of soul!

  2. I think you are absolutely right, Cheryl, to collect and enjoy beautiful objects, to surround yourself with handmade, meaningful, artful is a sacred act...loving life is necessary, I think.
    Your newest planter looks like the queen of the of holiness. ♥♥♥

  3. This makes me feel so peaceful.
    Beautiful way to use things you love!

  4. Oh Cheryl, you are so talented!! If I were to 'lick' her, would she taste of basil??

  5. Cheryl, this lovely goddess must look amazing in your beautiful gardens! As we 'speak', I'm sitting in my garden, surrounded by the sounds of a birds happily chirping, water dancing in a fountain and chimes tinkling in a soft breeze. I'm in heaven!!! Sometimes the smallest of material purchases can bring the gift of priceless serenity to our tattered spirits. Hope you have a fabulous Holiday weekend!!! Hugs, Terri xoxox

  6. AAAh Cheryl she is so beautiful, so perfect for your garden. Your students are so lucky. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  7. Just beautiful. I love all of your work. Wish I had one of these in my yard :)

  8. Hello Cheryl! This is another art from the heart again. I love gardens and I'm sure she will bring more love and beauty to that little piece of nature.

  9. That's a very interesting question Cheryl. I've been pondering a lot around Buddhist philosophy, and the difficulties in balancing its beliefs with our modern western world, since we got back from Singapore. Your latest creation is just beautiful - as always.x

  10. Oh my goodness, she is gorgeous and will create much spiritual well being in your garden. A standing ovation from my corner.

  11. She is wonderful and spiritually peaceful!! Yes, your comment regarding materialism/spiritualism is one I ponder on a lot. The answer is probably finding balance. There is a vast difference between creating beauty through possessions and greed.

  12. You Always Create With Passion!
    Love it, love you!

    Thanks so much for your visit!

    Ciao Bella!


  13. Wonderful thoughts Cheryl and such glorious art! I have always thought that in order to allow spirit to move and guide you we must be happy and fulfilled and in balance. Materialsim (in balance) is vitally important for us to even see or appreciate the spirit aound us. Denying oneself- for the sake of spiritual pureness has never worked for me. You learn to love and give by giving to yourself first. Thank you for sharing this beautiful sculpture!

  14. What a lovely sculpture and the poem you created is wonderful and so true. I think she is lovely in your garden and would be nice to come across while strolling through.

  15. When I think of how the Indians were such spirital beings and how they too adorned themselves in trinkets and beads it seems only natural that the two go hand in hand.
    Beautiful as ever Cheryl. What a glorious garden she watches over.
    hugs Lynn

  16. They are all so lovely but this one has something special!!! What a nice coincidence that you were in Orvieto, isn't it a lovely village/city. And I never drank cappuccinos like in Orvieto. I already signed up for next year. ........

  17. Cheryl, your works are amazing! I love their rustic beauty. Native folk lore has always intrigued me so much...

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