Tuesday, October 26, 2010



Three new paper dolls

I just finished creating more paper art dolls. I have to say, I’m completely addicted to them. It is hard for me to believe that I am still playing with paper dolls after all these years. I was so captivated with my dolls as a child that when my family went on vacation, I would cry and carry on if they didn’t allow me to bring along my paper doll collection. We used to call them cut-outs back then. (I know, I was a brat) That collection consisted of a huge, and I mean huge box just filled with cutouts.

I’d make complete plays and movies using those dolls. My imagination just soared. Back then, it was easy to appease a child with a simple package of paper dolls. Now, children must have ITunes, IPhones, Laptops and the list goes on. Do all these new technological wonders dwarf creativity? I'm not sure. Maybe there is a new kind of creativity going on.


“Jump off Cliffs and build your wings on the way down” is a quote from Ray Bradbury, one of my favorite writers. I love this idea. It seems like a grand way to live your life. If you never fear the outcome of your decisions it shows you have confidence that you will be able to creatively handle any situation. In other words, do it now and worry about the outcome later.

"Absolute moment"
Sold. Thank you Bridgette!

I don’t know who wrote “The moment of absolute certainty never arrives” but it is my favorite. I think maybe I wrote it? Unfortunately, the moment of absolute certainty in my life has come and gone many times. I really wish I could make snap judgments and know I did the right thing. I seem to analyze a situation to death before I can make any decision.

"Women are like buttons"

“Women are like buttons, they hold things together” Once again, I don’t know who first quoted this one but I like it a lot. How true it is too. Given any situation, I think it is the woman who compromises the most and by doing so, keeps things in motion. I don’t mean that the woman is giving too much either, just being wise.

"Fine line"

“Hey..hold on, I’m here too” So says “There is a fine line between genius and insanity. I have crossed that line.” She didn’t get in the top picture because I finished her after the other 3. There really is a lot of truth to her statement, don’t you think? I know I have crossed that line in my artwork many, many times.

Hope you like the new paper art dolls. You can view them on Etsy by clicking the quotes.. They are each priced at $38. and worth it! I hand sculpt each and every one of those tiny faces.


  1. These are lovely Cheryl. I have to say I'm with you on the paper dolls. I used to have a whole set I'd made. They were models in an agency and they used to go out on shoots!!

  2. They are absolutely adorable ande ven better they are wise dolls thanks to you. Just found your blog and truly in love. Even better in 5 weeks I am moving to Manassas VA from Germany and for sure will try to see you at Roanoke. Till then I will visit often.

  3. Oh my gosh, your paper dolls are so creative and beautiful. I love each and everyone of them.

  4. Ooh myyyy...these are truly lovely spirits..yes powerful buttons they are! So gorgeous and whimsical..if I was a paper doll Id totally hang out with these lovelies..and would also like to borrow their clothes too! ha ha!! Beautiful work..they are gorgeous little enchanters!! Shine on!!

  5. Love your dolls! They look so much fun and the quotes on them are great. Your hand sculpted faces are wonderful, so realistic.

    (I too use to love cut out paper dolls as a child and would spend all my spending and birthday money on them!)

  6. WOW...these are awesome Cher. Just seeing them brought back a wonderful memory. I can remember sitting with my Grandfather and us drawing the people and then their clothes...coloring them...cutting them out and then there was nothing they couldn't do...LOL!!

    Techno does seem to rule the kiddos these days but I am so blessed to have a lil man that loves to sit with me and draw his own chracters..color them and then WATCH OUT world..here they come!!!


  7. These dolls are fan-tab-u-lous, Cheryl! I clicked on each one...their faces are amazing!
    And their outfits...And their hair! I wanted to choose my favorite, but I can't...

  8. I'm with Lisa, I keep trying to choose a favorite, but I just can't.....I love them ALL! And for some reason, to me, the first one looks just like you!

  9. Cheryl, I can sooooo relate to your comment about your love of paper dolls. ME TOO!! I ADORED them and played with them for hours. Maybe that's why I so love collage work!!!

    Your dolls are fabulous, and each one has such a unique, distinct personality. I love the Bradbury quote --- sooooo true!!!! AWEsome work!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  10. These are simply stunning. I'm in total AWE of them. Like you, I love the idea of playing with paper dolls, no matter what our age. These are over the top beautiful and so, so well made and embellished.

  11. Oh, love your stuff and will be back for another much longer look. Gorgeous.

  12. These are wonderful, I love how colourful each one is and the quotes to go along with them. These are just magical, you have so much talent!

  13. How fun! that is such a cute idea! love the paper dolls!

  14. They are gorgeous, I think I want one but cannot make a choice.... Are you planning to make more????

  15. I love these dolls! And the quotes are just wonderful. Thank you for cheering up a wet and cold October evening.x

  16. Cheryl, these sweet faces are just what I needed to see tonight!I'll tell you why later...but these dolls, so precious, artful, whimsical and fun! I just love them all!
    How to choose?
    Hugs, Bridgette :)

  17. OMG Cheryl--these are exceptional!! You've brought back memories for me--I had such a passion for paper dolls. I would buy the Millie comics--do you remeber them? Every 12 cent issue had a Millie (or one of her other model friends) paperdoll with a dress and matching accessories--I loved them, even if it was just comic book paper :)

  18. I love paper dolls too. Yours are gorgeous, full of life and color. They're going to fly out of your studio!

  19. Cheryl, these are absolutely wonderful - inspirational AND fun! I love them.



  20. Oh my goodness ~ these are SWEET! How I smiled ~ wider and wider as I scrolled down your post. Thank you for that! :D

  21. Cheryl I am back,I missed your awesome art work so much.
    What a truly lovely surprise to see these little Diva's on your blog today. Oh your paper dolls touch my heart,they are filled with such feelings of you. Some people don't get the whole art paper dolls soul, you nailed it.
    I love "Women are like buttons", how true..
    I always take a piece of clever you away with me, after visiting fabulous artist you.
    I was away due to family illness.
    I am back and missed so much...
    Thanks for sharing, I adore your art paper dolls, your soar !!!
    Love, Laura. xoxx
    P.S. How you Shine !!!

  22. Hi Cheryl! Your paper dolls are fabulous! I use to love playing with them too. Love the creative spirit you added to each one. "Fine Line" is my favorite for sure. :)

  23. Dearest Cheryl,
    These are the most delightful little women I have EVER seen!!! I love the green one!! I too, like all of your sweet friends have stated, adore their wise sentiments.

    I was wondering ... might you be open to creating a custom doll for me??? If you are interested, please contact me at vintagerose@wildblue.net.

    Wishing you a most pleasant and peaceful Hallow's Eve ... may the spirits be with you!

  24. I used to play with the cut out paper dolls too. I think we used our own imagination so much more back in the day :) I didn't even get on the computer until I was 39 years old.
    I love them Cheryl, my nieces see mine and keep asking to have another art day so they can make some :)

  25. I don't think we ever get to old to play with paper dolls!
    I found a vintage pack of Paper dolls a few months ago at a thrift store, haven't had a chance to play yet but there calling my name. Love your dolls, your so inspiring!

  26. Oh my... you are so right when you said...."There was a time when I felt feminine, but being an artist and working in my studio for so many years has pretty much diminished that thought." That is how I feel!!! HAhahaha Love it! yeah. it has diminised that thought! :D

  27. so fun. and i love the Bradbury quote! perfect

  28. WOW! Your post is perfect. I am fond of making paper dolls and keep on trying new projects. This post is so colorful and inspiring. I have also used my new doll stencils on them. You must try them too and have a look!


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