Friday, April 9, 2010



"Electric Lady" and "The Soul Becomes Dyed"

These two paper art dolls are sisters at heart. On the left, Electric Lady stands poised as though she could conquer any universe on hand. On the right “The Soul becomes dyed with the color of it’s thoughts” also has a look of confidence. These two sisters of philosophy have much in common. They both seem to soar, They both have positive stories.

Electric Lady

She is charged with cosmic consciousness. She is a luminous being…finally free from all material longings…free to enjoy the ethereal music of the to drink from the springs of peace and become one with the infinite…free to forever explore eternity..

Cheryl Dolby

"Electric Lady"

Think about the power of the “soul” quote by Marcus Arelius. We, each and every one of us, have the power to shape and color our world by our very thoughts. I do believe this is true. There is a website called tut. Powerful positive messages are given each day. I subscribed to the site and even though I sometimes find them over the top a bit, the premise of the daily messages is that “thoughts become things, choose the good ones.” Don’t ever underestimate the power of positive thoughts.

Close-up of Electric Lady.

I created each of the sisters by drawing a flowing dress pattern for them. They look as though they are floating across the universe. On Electric lady, I used an old beaded bag I had stowed away for future use. I never would have suspected that Electric Lady was it’s destination. Her hair, which is worsted yarn, also has beads. I sculpted her face with paper clay and painted with acrylics.

"The Soul Becomes Dyed..."

“Soul” has benefited with the leftover batik material I had on hand and used for another doll. I added silk ribbons to give her a look of fluidity. Fanciful yarn adorns her original sculpted head.

Another view of "Electric Lady"

Both gals are for sale and priced at $38. each. I arrived at prices for my newly created series by testing them on my Farmer’s Market where I sell each Saturday here in Roanoke, Va. They are selling well at this price. (One lady even gave me a tip and said they were priced to low!!)

Let me know if you are interested in purchasing either of them. Just e-mail me to finalize sale. I accept all credit cards, MC AX, Visa and Discover. I take checks as well. I will ship to anywhere in the world. Shipping should be pretty inexpensive since they are made of primarily of paper and fairly light.

Thank you for reading and for your consideration.

Close-up of Beadwork

Close-up of batik

Silhouette of "Electric Lady"

Silhouette of "The Soul Becomes Dyed"


  1. Ohhhh the girls turned out wonderfully. I love the sister theme.

  2. They are beautiful! I love the Marcus Arelius quote. I am on the TUT email list !

  3. I think that Christine is on Tut.... and I will have to look into it, too. As always, your artistic creations knock my socks off. Love the beading, the quote and the colors are simply gorgeous! How could they be anything less. Look who gave birth to them? Mama Cheryl!

    Love, Dian

  4. I adore your ladies, Cheryl! And I too subscribe to "Tut" and believe in Positive energy. Whatever you think DOES manifest! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. Your paper ladies are stunning Cheryl, and brimming with positive and empowering expressions! I must check out "Tut"- always good to have a daily reinforcement of positiveness. Have a great weekend and thank you for your lovely comments on my blog!

  6. WOW!!!!! These are gorgeous! REally special!!

  7. Whenever I visit your blog, I come away with a smile on my face and my soul uplifted. Thank you for you! Your sisters are wonderful and I am sure that they are indeed a special part of the universe.

  8. Cheryl, these sisters are wonderful and once again, you have excelled with the story and thought behind both of them. I love the saying on "Soul".



  9. Bravo Cheryl,these art dolls are awesome !!
    You are such a beautiful writer, a pleasure to visit you always.
    I get such positive energy from dear you.
    Hugs,Laura. xoxx

  10. Oh, thank you Cheryl, I will check out tut, I need lots of positive vibes. I so love your paper dolls, they seem so free, I feel looking at them that they could just go flying for sheer joy!

  11. Lovely little ladies! Love "soul" lady! You put such creative thoughts into your work and words. Wonderful!

  12. These are beautiful Cheryl - I am sure you sell out at every farmer's market!

  13. Cheryl, your dolls are stunning in every detail. I love the shape you've created, so much life and movement in them - they look great in silhoutte too! Good luck with your sales - not that you'll need it!

  14. These are so wonderful, I don't think I could choose a favorite- I love them both!

  15. I also love the dolls and I will be back for more of your lovely blog.Loads to see!Silvera-Gemstone on S.U.

  16. These are both beautiful art dolls. They have way too much work in them for the amount of money you are asking. Your bead work is beautiful beyond belief. My hands cramped just looking at it.

    I'm glad to hear you did well on Saturday. It never occurred to me to check out Farmers Markets. What a great idea.

    The power of positive thinking really works. If you think positive thoughts, if if they don't happen, you will have the right attitude for everything else. I'm so glad you brought that up and will have to check out tut.

  17. I really like these two ladies. Amazing silhouettes too xJ

  18. Your sisters are brilliant, and I too believe in positive thought.... love how you shared their life with us x

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