Sunday, March 7, 2010



Look what has arrived!

Gifts from One World, One Heart lined up on my Fantasy Art Chair

It is hard for me to believe that I was fortunate enough to win not one or two, but three amazing gifts from the One World One Heart contest set up by Lisa Swifka.

As these gifts started arriving, I felt like each and every one of them was created just for me.

The first package to arrive was from Terri Kahrs of Pringle Hill Studio.

Array of Terri's colorful artwork

Terri has a degree in interior design and paints murals for children’s walls. She loves collage and art journeling and recently has started doing zentangles. I was lucky enough to receive a set of her vivid, colorful postcards, a fabric print, a signed print of her work and three remarkable collage pages. I knew immediately after looking at the green, orange and purple pages I wanted to use them in my angel paper doll series. So, with permission from Terri, her work merged into mine and became “Philosophy Angels.”

Terri's paper used for legs and arms of Philosophy Dolls

Now, as if I weren’t excited enough, the next package arrived shortly after and out popped Deirdra Doan’s adorable Sea Doll. Not only does Deirdra create dolls from her home in Oregon but she helps her husband John, a Celtic musician, get bookings all over the world. They will be headed to Europe soon. You can feel the love coming from Deirdra as you view her dolls. Her work will also be featured in 3 magazines this spring. Somerset Studio, Art Doll Quarterly and Belle Amoire.

Sea Doll seems very comfortable in her new home

I placed Sea Doll on the fantasy chair where I keep other dolls..she looked very much at home there. Every time I walked by, I felt like I had to pick her up and carry her around for awhile since she is so textural and adorable. Unfortunately, I have a dilemma. I may have told Dierdra a lie. Not intentional, mind you. I had made a comment on her post when I asked to be counted in the draw, that I had a special little girl in mind for the doll. Well, I DID, have this special little girl in mind.


But….I am not able to part with sea doll. So, Makayla and I came to a compromise. Sea doll will live with me but when she comes over to visit, the doll is all Makayla's while here at my home, Woodloft.

Now, last but not least. Michelle’s gift arrived from Australia. Look at this precious little Ice Fairy!

"Ice Fairy

Michelle sculpts small fairies and mermaids from polymer clay and has a strong love for the environment. The features on her dolls are delicate and fragile looking but the doll itself is very sturdy and well constructed. I love the see through wings and icy grey hair. Perfect for an ice fairy.

When I opened the package and saw the fanciful little flower box I just stood there in anticipation. Then I found the beautiful card with Michelle's sweet message inside. I opened the box and saw the tiny speckles of stardust and slowly lifted it to find the most beautiful little fairy I have ever seen! To say I love her is an understatement.

As I was putting the postal box that the Ice fairy arrived in away, I noticed some artwork and stickers on the side. Michelle’s children had decided to add their artwork to the gift. Thankyou and big hugs to them!

I feel extremely priviledged to own work from all three of these talented women. I cherish the gifts I have received. All will have an honorable place in my home.

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! It was my birthday during the time of the contest and I must say these were precious gifts to me.


  1. Cheryl, Happy, Happy Birthday a bit late! I'm absolutely thrilled that you loved your gift and am honored that you've used my papers to make your gorgeous dolls. I'm so happy that we've connected through OWOH!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. how on earth anybody got one never mind 3 wins is unbelievable...with as many entries as were on most of the blogs.... congratulations.....

    they are all wonderful.....

  3. Congrats on all of your wins. They are so nice. OWOH is the most amazing event ever.


  4. Fabulous, fabulous gifts, but so well deserved! I am convinced that they were meant for you (although I would love to steal them away!) What amazing talent is out there. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. And a very belated Happy Birthday too!

  5. WOW!!!! So many amazing gifts, so fun to get such great mail.

  6. THank you for posting your wins. I am sure the artists appreciate it and now I am off to revisit their blogs!

  7. Amazing OWOH goodies! I also was blessed by
    winning some of Terri's art work. She is SO talented. Deidre's Sea Doll is beautiful, as is your ice fairy! You have some wonderful treasures there!


  8. Oh my Gosh you hit the lottery! What beautiful Dolls and treasures you have! Congrats. on all the goodies!


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