Sunday, December 13, 2009




Crusty, crunchy crust and soft interior!

I passed by the magazine rack at Lowe’s the other day and spotted an issue of Mother Earth News. I hadn’t bought a copy of that magazine for many years but the caption and picture on the front cover prompted me to turn the pages. Here was an article about how to create healthy, no-knead bread. After reading a bit I immediately purchased it.

The article features Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois and how they developed the idea of creating these tantalizing no- knead breads. They have a book out titled Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. The breads featured in Mother Earth are from their new book, Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes a Day.

I googled the books and found that the twosome are featured all over the internet. King Arthur Flour Company also has printed the recipe on their site.

After watching the video of Zoe and Jeff actually making the bread on one site, I was sold.

I tried to follow the recipe given. I don’t own measuring spoons so almost everything I do involving recipes is educated guesswork from decades of baking. I also didn’t measure the flour as accurate as I probably should have but I have to tell you, my bread was remarkably delicious.

Dough mixed and ready to rise

Dough rising on pizza peel

Dough after being sliced with sharp knife

The finished product.

And to think, all I have to do at this point is take the bowl out of the fridge and pinch off as much dough for as many loaves as I need for the day. I then let the bread rise 45 minutes and bake.

Bread ready to be placed in refrigerator for future use

I can’t wait to try the healthy versions of this base recipe.

I plan to purchase the new book soon.

Here is my version of the recipe but for more details you may want to go to King Arthur Flour. Double click for a better view.


  1. Oh yum! That looks delicious. Nothing better than crusty bread, in my opinion. :) Thanks for sharing the recipe. ♥

    Oh, and I wanted to ask. Did you see my response to you about Oh My Stars in Salem? I commented under your comment but then worried you wouldn't see it. The store is a primitive (and a little bit of shabby chic) decor shop on Main Street, just down from the library. Be sure to grab a coupon from if you decide to go. :)

  2. Thanks so much Lisa, I did not see your comment. I will be sure to check out "Oh My Stars" It sounds like it is right up my ally.
    I hope all my readers will grab that coupon from


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