Wednesday, December 30, 2009



Azario’s Institute of Beauty

Yours truly having a microcurrent facial

It’s time to renew our bodies, minds and spirits after a long holiday season. My bingeing season usually extends from Halloween to New Years Day. I just know I’m not alone in my extravagances. There are parties, meetings, special recipes to try, and a whole host of reasons why I should put off my diet till the new year. I never feel guilty at this time of year either, since I know the new year is always just around the corner. It’s those other months when I binge, like June or July, that bring on the real guilt.

Here are a few ways to get a fresh start on the new year. My first suggestion would be to visit a beauty school. Prices are usually a lot cheaper than going to an actual salon, and most of the time you have the advantage of having the student as well as the person training her at your disposal. Most towns have at least one beauty school. You may want to check with friends to see which one they recommend.

I chose to visit Azario Institute of Beauty, an esthetic and cosmetology school on Starkey Road.

Zena Azar, Owner/Educator

I became acquainted with Azario when my friend, Michelle Anderson, told me she was attending the school to become an esthetician.


Since then, I have sampled some very unusual yet gratifying treatments such as microcurrent facial and microdermabrasion.

Antonia getting microdermabrasion equipment ready

The entire staff at Azario are pleasant and it is a treat to try their treatments without paying an arm and a leg to do it.

Cindy always greets me with a smile

I know I’ll be coming here for several months or at least until Azario restores me to my pre-Halloween look; or maybe I’ll go a few months (or decades) longer and see if I can return to looking like a 20-year-old!

On my next post, I’ll take you to another interesting place which is guaranteed to get you on the right track for the new year. We will go to Carter Athletic Pool where you will enjoy a lovely aquatic workout!

Azario Institute of Beauty is located at 4720 Starkey Road. Hours of operation are: Monday and Wednesday 10 AM to 10 PM and Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 10 PM.

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