Wednesday, October 28, 2009



Marilee Williamson and Susan Davis, two of three owners of Yarn Explosion

Yarn purchased from Yarn Explosion

Look at this beautiful bundle of woven yarn! I purchased it two weeks ago from Yarn Explosion, a unique yarn shop located at 5227 Airport road here in Roanoke. I took it to the market, where I sell my sculpture, and worked on it in-between sales. It was extremely cold last weekend so I popped into the outback clothing shop adjacent from my booth and bought a cute knitted hat to match…or sort of match.

Here I am, working on my purple scarf

I had been searching for a yarn shop that carried high quality yarn of an artistic nature. I had no idea one existed in Roanoke. While swimming at Carter Atheletic Club, several members of my water aerobic group mentioned that they had been to Yarn Explosion and that it definitely would have the artsy yarn I was looking for. One of the swimmers, Pamela, said that she was told she could work on her project in their classroom. A throw she had for many years had a small hole in it, She said that when she arrived with all her knitting gear, everyone was sure she had moved in for good. They were very helpful to her. She was shown exactly how to repair the hole.

I was sold. Off I went that very afternoon and was so glad I did. One of the owners, Jane Jones, was ever so cooperative in helping me find exactly what I was looking for, even though I wasn’t sure of that myself. With so many choices, it was hard to make a decision as to what to purchase. I wanted everything!

The store is brimming with unusual artsy yarns

Jane wound the large skeins of yarn I purchased into balls so that I could manage them better. She then showed me a terrific trick. She said that whenever I use a thin or silky yarn, the best way to handle it is to place it into a bag and cut a small hole in the end of the bag and pull the yarn through. I did what she said and my yarn stayed smooth and did not tangle for the entire project.

Bag with hole cut to keep yarn from tangling

Large assortment of buttons

Needlepoint display

My kind of yarn!

Racks of knitting needles and equipment

I have to admit that even though I know how to knit, I do not use needles. Last year I came across a very unique tool called, The Knifty Knitter. It definitely works. As you use it, you feel as though you are weaving rather than knitting. You wind the yarn in and around the pegs and pull the bottom layers over the top to secure. It probably takes the same amount of time but you do not need to worry about dropping a stitch.

Knifty Knitter

It’s good to know that I no longer have to rely on internet shopping for my yarn. I love the visual and tactile experience of seeing and touching the yarn before purchasing. I think my scarf turned out pretty knifty ( if you'll excuse the pun) and I’m happy to have such a luxurious item for my winter wardrobe. I think I’ll make a lime green one next.

Finished art scarf

Yarn Explosion offers many exciting classes and can be found at 5227 Airport Road in Roanoke Virginia. Their phone number is (540) 206-2638 Website is

1 comment:

  1. I have been meaning to get over there since the day it opened. I heard about it on Have you visited that site? It's addictive. Your scarf looks really great. I can knit a little but prefer crochet and actually met a local blogging buddy not too long ago for a knit (she) and crochet (I) session over coffee. Lovely!


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