Friday, August 14, 2009


All of these wonderful gifts will be given away to the winner of my contest!

Welcome to my first contest and giveaway. As I stated in my last post, I plan to have a contest involving the lifeguard chair that was dropped off at my front deck last week by a friend. I’ll be giving you all the details in my next post but right now I want to show you the prizes I have chosen for the winner. All of the items include, in some way, the subjects that I post three or four times a week.

Distressed turquoise necklace

Small leather bookmark

Herb book

Angel notebook

Glass necklace

Two bars of soap from Rebecca's Soap Delicatessen

One of my hand painted fresco tiles

Italian cookbook

Metal sculpture of two boats

Artists drawing set

Garden recipe book

Garden book

A signed copy of my Woman Within the Web book

Hope you like the prizes! I am anxious to get started on my contest, but I have a few details to iron out. I’ll be ready to give you the complete run down on my next post. See you then!

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