Tuesday, August 18, 2009




Woodloft swimming pool

It was brought to my attention that I should show where the lifeguard chair will be placed. Above is a picture of one area of my swimming pool deck. As you can see, it is a bit crowded and obviously the chair won’t fit here.

This picture shows the opposite end of the pool and more suitable for the chair.

Another view of area most suitable for chair

I hope this helps you a bit with your idea for the chair.

I decided it would be a good idea to offer second and third place prizes for the contest. This will give you a much better chance of winning. I hope you like the prizes I chose for second place.

Second place prizes

Spirit Pin

Monastery soup book

Signed copy of She Who Whispers

Spirit Bag

Bread book

Remember, you have til the end of the day, Monday, August 24th to come up with a unique idea on how I should decorate the chair to fit into the Woodloft (my home) theme. I will show the prizes for the third place winner on my next post. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. I told the U. to hurry up and give me ideas as I HAVE to have a Sprit Pin. So far I haven't heard back!


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