A Journey Through the Sands of Time
Finally! My new novel, Morocco, A Journey Through the Sands of Time, is up and running on Amazon. Maybe that will explain, partly anyway, why I have taken so long to get back to posting. Chocolate sales took off, I broke my arm etc..I know. Lots of excuses but I’m back in full swing now. Or should I say, full sling?
When I returned from Morocco over a year ago, some of you might remember that I posted lots of pictures. What a country. Although there were many different aspects I could have covered in my book, I was drawn to the myth of the very young Berber lovers who cried lakes. Since it is a myth, there really wasn’t much to go on research wise. When I saw the lakes of Tislit and Isli shimmering at the bottom of the Middle Atlas Mountains, I somehow knew I wanted to write the lover’s story.
You can go to and key in Morocco, Cheryl Dolby to purchase the book. It is available in e- book form and paperback. If you’d like a preview, just click on the book where it says “peek inside” and you can read a few chapters. Hope you like it.
Stay tuned, in the next post I will be showing you a new way I found to cook delicious meals. You can even make them with one hand, as I’ve had to learn to do. Also, I will be posting several of my Goddess Burning Bowls soon.
Once again, thank you for viewing and I hope you like the new book.